2017 Chubu Walkathon logo
2017 Chubu Walkathon Volunteers
2017 Chubu Walkathon
2017 Chubu Walkathon show
2017 Chubu Walkathon parade
2017 Chubu Walkathon
2017 Chubu Walkathon
Dancing at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
2017 Chubu Walkathon
Face Painting at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
2017 Chubu Walkathon Volunteers
OSU at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
Raffle at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
OSU at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
Raffle at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
Raffle at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
Fun at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
With OSU at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
Fun at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
Walkie at 2017 Chubu Walkathon
Nanzan Ryo provides a home for children who come from families with difficult circumstances. ¥450,000 was donated to hold a 2 day ski and snowboard trip for junior and high school students.
Yoneyama Ryo Petit Village provides a home for children who come from families with difficult circumstances. ¥300,000 was donated to trip to Minami Chita Green Valley to encourage children's social independence and voluntary activity.
Washinkan Children’s Home provides a home for children who come from families with difficult circumstances. ¥300,000 was donated to support annual events.
Chubu Children's Fund provide funding and support for projects that empower, educate and inspire children residing in foster homes in the chubu area. ¥1,500,000 was donated towards Scholarships for children living in children homes to achieve higher education after graduating from high school.
Ichihoshi provides after-school day-care service include weekend and long holiday, family support, and learning support for children with a developmental disability. ¥350,000 was donated to hold monthly shopping lessons, for children with developmental disorder, with people in the community.
NPO Childline Aichi provides the telephone hotline service for young people up to 18 years of age. The Walkathon Committee was able to donate ¥200,000 to hold a screening of the movie "You are not alone" and a lecture about Attachment Disorder in children.
Organizes a number of charity activities and supports educational programs for children. ¥400,000 was donated to support travel expenses for children who are in needy families to participate on a 5-day summer camp.
“Nagoya Te o Tsunagu Ikuseikai” provides support programs for people with mental challenges so that they can become more self-reliant and be involved in social activities. ¥200,000 was donated to support projects for mentally challenged youth, a day trip, and publishing a 20th anniversary memorial magazine.
NPO Fureai Nagoya provides day care service, home help service, and transportation service for families with children who have severe challenges. ¥350,000 was donated to purchase 3 platform beds for reducing care workers' back straining.
Work Center Friends Hoshizaki provides a workplace for people with mental and physical challenges who cannot sustain regular employment, and offers training courses and transition support for those who, despite having challenges, hope to work for ordinary businesses. ¥700,000 was donated to purchase a new wrapping machine to support the increases in orders.
Nagoya YMCA organizes a number of charity activities and supports educational programs for children. ¥200,000 was donated to support 24th Nagoya YMCA Charity Run 2017 which supports various activities for children with disabilities.
Event Project WA is a voluntary group that holds events for children with challenges in the Mikawa area. ¥150,000 was donated to holds a fun event for families with children who need medical treatment and welfare services.
Aichi Prefectural Nagoya School for the Blind is a public school for the visually impaired aged between 3-18 in Aichi. ¥250,000 was donated to hold a Community Concert with students, musicians, and local people.
Make-A-Wish of Japan helps children with incurable disease aged between 3-18 make their “wish” or dream come true. ¥700,000 was donated to support for Tokyo Disney Resort trips for families with children who are diagnosed with life-threatening medical conditions.
Aichi Bone Marrow Bank Support Association supports patients and families who have undergone bone marrow transplants in this area, and holds bone-marrow registration drive and public awareness activities. ¥300,000 was donated to hold a screening of the movie "Labyrinth Café ~ where to inherit life for someone" in order to raise awareness for Bone Marrow Program.
Japan HIV Center provides counsel and support for HIV patients and workshop education activities to promote AIDS prevention. ¥100,000 yen was donated to support counseling & support services for people living with HIV/ AIDS.
Sasashima Christian Association provides food, free welfare benefits, and health consultations for the homeless in Chubu. ¥600,000 was donated to provides food and supplies to the homeless in the Chubu area.
NPO Famille operates a shelter and protect dogs and cats from being euthanizing, and hold adoption event.
¥50,000 was donated to support a series of training programs for rescued dogs and young people who are not in education, employment, or training.
Boramimiyori Johokyoku provides information on opportunities for volunteering. ¥250,000 was donated to Hold a general meeting and panel discussion on "CSR activities: share the stories from people in the field"
Nagoya NGO Center supports NGOs in Nagoya and provide educational courses for NGO staff. ¥300,000 was donated to support the cost for a management course on child poverty in Chubu, a training program for people who are hoping to join NGOs/NPOs.
Japan Service Dog Association trains and promotes the training of service dogs to be able to help people with challenged. ¥600,000 was donated to invite specialists from overseas service dog organization in order to train and improve skills of staff.
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